When I get asked to review books – I often worry about my ability to set aside enough time to read them.. as a busy mum, yoga teacher and journalist – this can be a challenge! This book however – was perfect for me in many ways. A book you can flick through, pick up and put down and with practical help for anyone suffering from anxiety in its many forms.

Although diagnoses can vary,  31% of adults in the UK will suffer from some kind of anxiety at some point in their lifetime. Having suffered from this in my lifetime, I know only too well how anxiety can creep up on you before even realising that’s what it is. This book helps one identify this and has a reassuring and supportive tone.

Not just another self-help book – it’s more than that – it has strategy! In bite-size pieces it has tips and advice to guide you on the way to a more tranquil experience in life. I also enjoy reading the quotes from famous people that hit the nail on the head:


“You can’t plough a field by turning it over in your mind. To begin, begin.”

Gordon B Hinckley


How To Ease Your Anxiety aims to:


  • Identify and avoid anxious thought patterns
  • Treat your mind with kindness and embrace positive thinking
  • Take good care of your mind, body and soul
  • Adopt healthy coping strategies for a calmer future


Mine is going to sit in my kitchen to remind me of how to keep anxiety at bay while waiting for the kettle to boil…

The author Sophie Golding is a writer and artist who enjoys meditation, sea swimming and the great outdoors. The book launches 12th September.