Books are always a great Christmas gift – there’s something for everyone!

There’s a fair bit of neurodiversity in my house and it is estimated that around 1 in 7 people are also. I was so pleased to discover these books at the Hampton Court Circular Christmas Fayre!

They’re lined notebooks but the covers are symbols of empowerment, acceptance and self-love. Everything I am an advocate for! (Also in my yoga teaching.)

Founder Gabriella – created Noteorious with a vision to celebrate differences, challenge the norms and shatter the stigma that often holds us back. This brand isn’t just about products; it’s about purpose. Gabriella is passionate about embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and encouraging individuals to embrace their true selves.


Additionally 5% of profits are donated between two charities:

The ADHD Foundation – Neurodiversity Charity

Young Minds – Mental Health

10% OFF any purchases with code MENTALHEALTH click below for website!


Continuing the theme of self-care why not encourage calm by gifting these helpful books.. how to feel calm every day.. is this possible on Christmas Day? (possibly not) but maybe start on Boxing day 😉


And don’t forget the kids.. Teach them how to feel calm! My son (who is neurodiverse) has learned ways to self-soothe and this is the best lesson to take them through life! (You could also gift this book to adults – the illustrations are wonderful).

And for the creative creatures:

The simple joy of colouring in can bring a surprising sense of ease for adults too!

Summersdale Publishers




This book, written for children ages 4-8, guides children in imagining a superpower container inside their bodies that fills up with love. The story explains in gentle terms what can happen when someone’s love tank is full or empty and how children can fill their love tanks and help others to fill theirs too.

Mendoza-Vasconez recalls telling her daughter, “While there are no intrinsically ‘good’ or ‘bad’ people in this world, sometimes people do bad things and hurt others because they don’t have enough love in their own lives — their love tank is empty.” She further explained, “I always hug you, kiss you and tell you I love you because I want your love tank to be full so you can treat others with kindness and compassion.”


Happy gifting!